What is the Going-Rate For a Wedding DJ?

Ahh yes...the age old question. Right after the "meaning of life". What is the "going rate" for a Wedding DJ? And that is the trap people fall into...the "going rate"- What does that mean? The "going rate" means...the average price.

Okay, now we know the average rate a wedding DJ will charge. By the way; who came up with the average rate? Your cousin's friend who got married 4 years ago? Your barber, or real estate agent who seems to recall their relatives Marriage?

Many variables play here. What is the answer?

It was decided to ask for help in the wedding magazines. After all, they should meet, because they are experts. Right?

Why are they experts? Well, because writing articles in the magazine, so you know. I'll tell you what I know ... know how to write articles. How many of these "experts" have actually worked a wedding? And when was the last time they visited a marriage? This ArticleWriter as "armchair warriors" known. Most have never been to the front of the fight. Most are not in the trenches working with brides and wedding professionals. Most may know only one aspect of a wedding photography, decorating, etc.

And now they will tell you how to plan and how much to spend and how to set priorities.

How much should a wedding DJ cost? How much should cost a wedding photographer? When you try to figure it out, be careful. Perhaps themarried person writing the article to a photographer or have had a bad experience with a wedding professional advice.

His first job as a bride or groom is to set priorities. What is important to you? Venue? Catering? Photography? Entertainment? Honeymoon?

Dad always said what? "You get what you pay for" right?

If you decide to have your reception is held in an elegant hotel, so expect to pay for it. You may have to cut other things like photography,Entertainment, flowers, etc. Or have you decided that you want the perfect wedding and all the precautions.

Great ... go for it. But not completely.

Do not go for an "A" Location and surround yourself with "B" and "C" companies. It 's like buying a Lexus with a Ford engine.

Too many brides blow their budget on location / catering and try to cut corners on the rest of their suppliers.

Priorities and with a stick! What a perfect wedding? Then expect to pay for this? They can not affordit? Then don't get married right now...DUH!

Okay, you want to get married now and you want to know how much a good wedding DJ will charge?

Let's break it down by price points:

$300 Wedding DJ This DJ is probably a friend or friend of a friend who has done a few weddings. Bottom line- Probably should have used an ipod. This guy is drinking more than your guests and is most likely hitting on your bridesmaids.

$300-$500 Wedding DJ This DJ does weddings as a hobby and mostly does them for friends and family. He thinks he's good. Bottom line- Not very polished, tacky outfit, spends more time at the bar and gabbing with friends than worrying about you.

$600-$800 Wedding DJ This DJ is "green". Learning the ropes. Wants to do a good job, just doesn't have the experience yet. Probably works for a DJ company. Bottom line-The DJ company sent him to you because your wedding was one of the cheaper ones that weekend and was not high on their priority list.

$800-$1200 Wedding DJ This DJ may or may not own his own company but he probably owns his own equipment. He is still unsure about his own abilities and is afraid to charge what he is worth. He is about 5 years away from realizing his potential. Bottom line- This DJ is hot and cold. Sometimes he's "on" and sometimes not. He most likely has a "day job" and it hinders his ability to focus on weekend weddings. He is not aware that he's got the potential to DJ weddings full-time.

$1200-$2000 Wedding DJ This DJ owns his company and does this full-time. He attends meetings and networks with other wedding professionals. He has a commanding presence on the microphone and is sharp, focused and detail oriented. He is a true Wedding Entertainer, Master of Ceremonies and Music Programmer. Bottom line- A truly unique and memorable wedding.

$2500 and up Wedding DJ This DJ will be opening his own venue because he knows the tips and tricks of the trade and what it takes to produce the perfect wedding.

What is the Going-Rate For a Wedding DJ? Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Monday, May 2, 2011 Rating: 4.5

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