How to Be a DJ - Layering Audio Sounds

Shot down a whole load of sounds over one another in general translates into a muddy mess inconsistent so what are the secrets of creating a rich, full sound, a mix of thick? We can explore some of the tips and tricks that you use to clean up the mix.

1) Kick Drums: Choose carefully layering your bass drums sound different with quality that will take you through a loud speaker flutter kick to navigate, select the sample collection and some favorites. Place it onin your sampler of choice - NI Battery is particularly good for this because it gives quick access to individual controls for each drum hit.

Now comes the fun part: try to kick each separately tuning and filtering (high-pass filters work great to cut unwanted low frequencies from kicks) and the balance of the volumes of the individual. It is recommended to reduce some of the samples, so you get only the sound you want. release of compression with a high and fast attackalso help the football layered extra "flavor" of giving. Stratification of a closed high hat on also lets you get some serious consequences here. Once the sound reaches, (do, jump or whatever identifies the software DAW) after a sense of re-soccer player's levels except for a hit single, so drum solo in front of a sound, then import them into a single instrument-sampler.

2) Bass: This can be tricky, because the low frequency sounds a nasty habit of having to create conflictphasing effects, which in some cases require a lot of dance genres in favor of a constant driving bass sound.

Start with a low-frequency bass sound, like something warm and fat. Then try to thicken a higher level of mid-range - you can find the stage to try cutting with a high and low pass filter mid-frequency sound. Try setting the synthesizer oscillator your help - this can really help them gel. AA little shocked the mid-point range can also help. This is really a black art, and even professionals can have difficulty, and just experiment! You can try to use the multi-band distortion on some of your classes, this can really add some grit so that the sound when necessary. Another trick Some manufacturers use when they have a bass sound that make them taste like the phases of it - only one sample of a long note of layered sound and use it in your favorite sampler - voila!

3) Synths: Firstis good sound choice, choose your lead sounds carefully, a nice rich warm starting point will really help out as with all your layers. Once you've tweaked your first sound try adding another copy of the same sound in a higher octave - this may really help to thicken your sound. To achieve a different flavour try adding a third layer with different properties to the first, say one with a rougher edge. Pro's routinely use 4 layers for my lead sounds, often in different octaves to add depth to the synth mix. Experiment with panning here too - while this is outside the scope of this tutorial it can really help separate sounds.

Next separate your lead sound from your bass - this involves a hefty low cut or high pass filter. Start to cut around 200 Hz and adjust until your bass cuts through, but your lead sound isn't too thin and weedy. Camel Phat is a great tool for this, and of course gives you many additional control over your layered lead such as distortion and a secondary filter. I'd recommend sending all your chosen lead sounds to an Aux or Bus channel and processing them together. You may find that a light dose of overdrive or even very very light bit crusher can help tighten up and bring out your sound. A limiter may also help the overall level of sound of your synth mix from spilling over.

So some final points to bare in mind:

1) Be brutal - if it doesn't work dump it - even if it took you 2 hours. Start again! Experiment!

2) Use different sound sources - try sounds and samples from different synths, every synth has its own strengths and weaknesses and combining them can make a mighty combination. For example for lead sounds the Access Virus can be warm, wide and rich, while reFX Vanguard can sound wimpy in comparison. However the Vanguard's sparkling top end can add a layer which will make your complete layered lead sound cut through your mix.

3) Try using overdrive plugins and multi-band distortion - used lightly these effects can really help shape your mix.

4) EQ - use your ears! If it sounds wrong then hit re-set on your plugin and be gentle! On lead sounds try pulling out these frequencies: 700 Hz, 1-2 kHz, 10-12 kHz, these may help to add warmth, presence and high-end sparkle respectively.

How to Be a DJ - Layering Audio Sounds Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Saturday, March 26, 2011 Rating: 4.5

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