The Latest Advances in DJ Equipment

The days of the pillars of DJ equipment was nothing more than a mixer to mix and have long since passed. These days, with equipment dj with the best technology is one of the most important parts to a successful DJ, and if a match is not over time, is likely to end up as obsolete as eight-track player.

is the most important progress in recent memory in the DJ Equipment you can have as an elementuntil all recognized for its use as material for DJ: Apple iPad. With an extension of the user interface of Apple with the iPhone and iTouch developed and is the iPad exactly what its name says: a screen-shaped tablet size slightly smaller than a piece of paper that the user interacts with a touchscreen.

As a piece of DJ Equipment, iPad, the functions of different elements, DJs already use. It naturally contains MP3 function, the longVersion of the CD, as a DJ most primary sources of music. There are also applications for the iPad, or as a mixer, so that the Finger Beats DJ provide the cooler with a single click.

Perhaps most exciting, iPad has an application that replaces the old, perhaps the most important pieces of DJ equipment: the turntable. While there are computer programs that can create the same effect as a hub that allows iPad Touch DJinteract with music in a way that is much more comparable to find turntable like a real mouse on a laptop. Sun armed with an iPad, a DJ can scratch a funky sound on a device similar to a feeling like a real set of dishes, without the hassle of dragging behind them. And that's not to mention the money does not destroy the music played in the process saved the scratching.

Specifically designed pieces of equipment are also DJincreasingly digital, most notably the mixer. For example, the Sixty-Eight-mixer, designed by Rane, the first mixer, the synchronization of two laptops with Scratch Live, a turntable emulation of the above programs. Although this may not seem like much, in advance DJ equipment makes this an alternative to digital turntable true that much more interesting because it allows a DJ to create the kind of complex characters, the units are made ​​up of twoat once. Sixty-eight years, four USB ports, making it much easier for a number of DJs in the mixer, simply unplugging their laptops when someone new takes over the application.

Another piece of DJ equipment that progress has been made ​​recently headphones. For example, the HDJ-founded in 2000 by Pioneer, and extremely high quality stereo sound, while also comfortable enough that the DJ is not through the itching ears in the middle of a sentence to be distracted. Whileheadphones might not seem like an especially important piece of DJ equipment, their ability to let a DJ sample different tracks as clearly as possible in a very noisy environment is a key consideration for anyone striving to be a top-tier DJ.

The Latest Advances in DJ Equipment Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Thursday, March 17, 2011 Rating: 4.5

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