to avoid DJ Styles

Mobile DJs are often organic, learn by copying. Many have a degree in mass com or even the school was not that of a DJ. Sometimes they take the techniques that are horrible, but just do not know better. If you're one of these categories, do not worry ... only correct, go see your reputation, referrals and rocket income.

The Puker

We hope you've heard this one before. Otherwise, it will beor a DJ, or are you a bad one. How Puker is like a guy with a comb over. He thinks he has fooled everyone, but everyone is laughing at him behind his back, and nobody wants to tell him that seems ridiculous.

A Puker is someone who uses a DJ, the DJ's voice, the people pretending when they try to imitate. It seems that they're talking about with half yawn, while bending all over the place. It seems a sort ofCross between Bill Clinton and Harry Carey. The term "Puker" comes from the sound they make when someone talked about and vomiting at the same time. (Do not try!)

While it is rather difficult to describe exactly suck, it is not difficult to see. E 'used for radio DJ in the 50s through the 70s common. I think it was finally removed effectively even in the smallest markets. The only time you hear now carnivals, the showman, the operation ofrides and have access to a microphone ... and mobile DJ.

If you do not know what is the sound, please call your local radio station and ask to speak with one of the DJ. Tell him you want to know what you mean by "sick". He is like a representation can do for you.

To know when you do this or other DJ bad technology, to record a live concert of yours. Give an honest criticism, and then fix it!

The Yuck

A"This sucks" is like a Puker, but just as ready to speak with laughter laugh every minute, but he never does. The best example of this is every comedian doing an impression of Bill Clinton. Or, just listen to Bill to get the idea.

The Growler

It is easy to understand. Okay once in a snarl, while the focus ... like maybe twice a night. Otherwise, do not growl.

The mumbler.

Normally, a mumbler has aProblem with articulation. He opened his mouth, not enough to cancel his speech. It is a good technique, sound like a high school English teacher, you still need to understand. One way to clean the joint is practicing tongue twisters. Another reason is to speak with a modest smile. The emphasis on the word MODERATE. If you overdo it, you run the risk of ...

The Smiler

Somewhere along the way someone decided that DJs shouldSmile because it makes them look happy. This technique is still strong and the smile is almost rock-band to say that even if away smiling. During a very modest smile is ok to help you look like a mumbler keep a big smile on sounds as sincere as a used car salesman and screams "fake."

The Screamer

I know I said five, but this deserves a post all its own. There is no need to shout. Go ahead and draftVoice, but remember this is not community theater. The microphone can pick you up good. If you are a volume slightly higher in moderate and do not throw at Yuk talk, smile, breath or growl, it is likely that you sound pretty good.

DJ the real education, which should draw from all this: Keep it natural. Maintain power, but not excessively. Speak clearly, but do not say. Practice at home, so if you get the gig, you're down.

to avoid DJ Styles Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Saturday, November 27, 2010 Rating: 4.5

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