The Most Important Rule For the Wedding DJ Playlist

When the couple try to bust DJ wedding playlist that you are not usually as the number one rule in building this list of songs. The first rule of the playlist is ... Say they do not have the playlist! Seriously, many couples have this attitude and fear that telling their songs that they like to play DJ and them. Some DJ's have a show number for each case to play, but sometimes does not work, because a lot isdifferent! You do not want the DJ to play music and rap metal, when the audience is usually your parents age. Do not make this mistake. You can play any song of any kind you like, provided that the DJ is the first rule of the playlist.

Are you ready? Here's how: The most important rule for the playlist: play only three songs in the same category in a row. This is it! This is rule number 1 when you create your own playlist of music, especially for dancing.

I knowIt seems too easy, but what is success or failure of a dance floor! If the DJ plays songs more than three in a row from a certain style, guests and aversion are starting to ask this style that the rest of the night music is all about. You see, three songs come from 10 to 12 minutes of music, a good length of time is set for a dance. Then the music changes and those who danced to fetch a drink and relax, while those who love the new style of CrashPlan. Then again, sometimes people never leave the dance floor at all and you can not complain about it!

Now I'm not saying to go Stayin 'Alive to Metallica! If the DJ has all the skills he can to smooth the transitions. For example, the beginning, the Motown DJ with a few, then we arrive at the nightclub, then mix in some top 40 dance. It is about 30 to 40 minutes mostly dance music. You can go to some rock and roll or oldies from there, or becauseis a marriage, a drop slow ballad for all the birds of love. Me and some of the songs is great and transitions on the playlist wedding DJ's playlist, if you're interested.

As always, there is one exception to this rule. You can play with multiple (five or six) songs of the same gender, if the DJ mix every song in a hurry. We are talking about two minutes or so into the song. As you can see, it's all the time your guests will be subject tocertain type of music that is about 10 to 12 minutes. If you go this time, problems may occur and you are likely to have guests out the door too soon. Try it if you do not believe me. DJ to play the best Top 40 dance songs for an hour and a half to watch your guests walk out the door!

Hopefully you will heed my advice and follow this simple, but, alas, is so important guideline for your dance music. This is the most important tip I can give ... It 'sfirst rule in setting up a DJ wedding playlist for you and your guests!

The Most Important Rule For the Wedding DJ Playlist Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Rating: 4.5

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