DJ Scratch Records

How to use them

If you want to be an able DJ you should have a mastery over the art of scratching. The proficient DJs produce better sound quality by scratching on the records. So, DJ scratch records play a very important role in the overall performance of the DJs. The quality of the DJ Scratch Records depends on the quality of Scratching. Though, there is no hard and fast rule about the procedure of scratching, but the process involves certain stand skills.

Scratching skills:

o Try to access which hand you should use for what purpose. Use one hand to control the movement of the DJ scratch records and the other to move the cross-fader. You will not find a set rule for this; you can also do it in your own way. But majority of the DJs prefer to do it in this procedure. Your style will dictate your quality of scratching.

o Never touch the DJ scratch records if your hands are dirty. Always keep your hands clean while you scratch records. Push the center of the record. While you are exerting pressure in the center, you get a better grip to manage the entire thing. You can also hold at the edge if you are not comfortable.

o While you are practicing scratching, try to use special DJ scratch records. Though you are free to use any type of records, but using special scratch records at the time of practice, will help you to learn up the scratching technique better and faster.

o While you are trying to learn scratching, scratch faster as well as slower. Do not scratch at the same pace. If you try fast as well as slow movement alternately, it will help you to note the changes in the scratch process.

o Initially do not use fader. Scratch with your hands only.

o First scratch slowly. Then increase the speed gradually. As you are able to scratch at a higher speed, you can experiment with the rhythm of your scratch by combining them with the beats you generate.

o If the vinyl centre hole is extraordinarily big, it can result in side-to-side vibration. A very small vinyl centre hole will restrict the free movement of your record. So, tighten and loosen it according to requirement. If the hole is too small enlarge it with the use of sandpaper. And if the hole is too big, reduce it by adding a layer of sticky tape.

DJ Scratch Records Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Rating: 4.5

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