7 ways to ensure that children learn about money

Until the age of 7 or 8 children are literally programmed by their environment. What we see, touch, feel, and especially the feeling, the forms of "rules" that create unconscious in their sleep. These rules may dictate, then their values, beliefs and actions and be difficult to do in their adult life again.

With financial education outside of the curriculum in most schools is an important role for parents to teach their children about money play an important

When it comes toMoney, think of the rules we created to impress in recent years. It 'was scarcity and want, was the jealousy and envy, or was a trust and security?

Here are seven ways to help you teach your children about money.

Before Setting the example

Think about the example you can set your children. You change the subject when they go in the room? They quarrel and fight about money, or display stress on bills late? Children are more influenced by whatThat do what you say.

Try to keep a more open approach to discussing money. When planning a trip or vacation, for example, why not at the cost of options and involvement of children in decision making?

Reward according to their rescue

In the 'real world', that is save or invest for interest, dividends, rents, etc. Encourage your child by increasing their savings with the interests of your own savings are rewarded.

The addition of a simple interest orby a coin, if they have saved nine easy way.

Third Encourage routine

Think of habits, like brushing your teeth or seat belts in cars. Becomes so automatic that we do not have to think about. But as a child, sometimes it was a strain or something we need to do to be encouraged.

And if every time the child will receive the money in three divided and spend, save and share. Chances are that, if repeated oftenenough, this habit may also be automatic.

Using money as a fourth game with real money

If your child wants to play some money, we are afraid that they lose, or that the coins are dirty and full of germs? What are the subliminal messages here? How can children ever be happy and comfortable, with cash if it is dirty or is so poor they spend ever think of fear?

Demonstrate the fifth payment of invoices

This can be a greatWays to deal with the consequences, in a cashless society. If the credit card bill come in, sit with your child and look at each of the elements. Then you can explain what on each purchase. Then, when a control is one more chance to explain the system to write, and that money is not only the notes and coins.

A sixth trip

A trip to the bank, post office or supermarket can be a rich learning experience. Explain what you do and why. Focus onthe money goes and how it circulates in the economy.

Promoting mathematical ask for her hand her child over the money, and calculate the change.

A seventh list of gratitude

One of the best ways to demonstrate something more to be for what you already have, thanks.

Encourage your children to see a list of things they do are very grateful. Maybe that bind to spend in the store with the release of activities and donate money for something important for theChild.

If you have lots of toys, why not just for a hospital or charity shop?

In summary, remember that money is an idea, as anything. Thereby creating a climate in which it is OK to discuss the money for them and to explore and learn.

7 ways to ensure that children learn about money Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Rating: 4.5

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