Be The Best DJ on The Mic

Increase Your Overall Performance

DJ's usually master mixing and choosing the right songs relatively quickly, but most DJ's fail to master their MC work.

It can be one of the most important factors in performing a great event. If the DJ does not know what to say, or doesn't say it correctly it can greatly diminish his performance.

When hiring people do not want to just hear music, they want the DJ to have a personality. If they just wanted music to play all night, most people would just buy a radio and use that to play music.

So, the key is to generate an atmosphere were the crowd feels that you have brought the event alive.

To increase your skill on the mic, you will need to do the same thing you did to learn mixing and using the equipment....

Practice, Practice, Practice

Set your equipment up at home and keep practicing. Simulate an event. Go through all the motions of a wedding and use the same enthusiasm that you would use at a party.

Watch some other DJ's and take notes, go home and practice. The key is to do a better job than him.

Build Your Own Personality

You should takes notes, but adopt your own mic style, You want to get ideas from other DJ's but you want to be yourself. Use your own lines and make sure you don't rely on the same clichés 20 or 30 times a night, this will become annoying to the crowd.

You want to be original, if you sound like another DJ, they might as well book him. If you have your own lines, and your own personality, when they like it they will be sure to book you again.

During certain events you will need to be on the mic more than others. If the event doesn't call for you to be on the mic too much, DON'T BE. If it requires you to do mic work, make sure you can come through, and you have the skills.

The key to mic work, is confidence. The crowd can sense your confidence, and they wont enjoy a DJ that is not confident in his professional work.

Avoid talking fast, you want to have a clear sounding voice that people understand and enjoy. Speaking too fast will make what you are saying sound garbled, speaking too slowly will make you sound like you are addressing a bunch of village idiots.

With time and practice, you will develop your own individual skill and style and that's the most important aspect. Don't try to copy anybody else or put on a different voice; it will sound false and make learning and maintaining the technique a lot more difficult.

What to Say, What Not to Say

If being funny is not your strength, then avoid the jokes. If you end up telling jokes and you are not good at it, you may end up being the only one laughing, creating an awkward scenario. You want to stick at doing what you are good at, and have been booked for, and if in doubt leave it out.

If something amusing happens, then share it, use the mic to receive requests, make a fuss over other people celebrating birthdays/anniversaries. People like to have their 30 seconds of glory and hearing their name mentioned over the PA system.

Avoid talking over vocals, try to wait for thm to end before speaking.

You should start with the easy announcements, introducing tracks and buffet announcements. Once you've built up a bit of confidence, you can move on. Try to include your audience; invite requests and make them feel welcome.

If you make a mistake don't dwell on it, just continue, many times the audience won't even notice.

Prepare Your Self

Keep key information on the gig, such as the Bride & Grooms' names, Best Man's Name etc on a piece of paper on the mixer, so that you can look down and refresh your memory if you have a sudden memory blank.

You Don't want to be writing down your lines though. You want them to sound natural, writing the names down is just for a reference.

After you have people on the dance floor, you should ease up on using the mic, they are up and dancing to the music not for your voice.

This will take time, you won't go from a beginner to pro over night, but practice and time will make you the best DJ ever.

Be The Best DJ on The Mic Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Rating: 4.5

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