DJ Tricks - 3 Top DJ Tricks

DJ's, pieces of art are as always looking for new tricks and techniques
. Run If done correctly, can look like DJ tricks and sound really awesome! In this
The article talks about three DJ tricks that you can learn and implement their own.

DJ Trick 1 - How to play a record.

This trick is best suited to a Vestax PDX-A2. What you need is an ashtray a little 'thicker tapeThe turntable or deck and place it on the head and focused on the turntable mat. Take a piece of chewing gum stuck on the ash tray and a record, what makes the rubber, it helps to keep it centered. Turn the cartridge upside down and screw on the tone arm. You need to arm the weight of tone, so that it has a tendency to spring up instead of down. If you've done that, you start recording and slide the plate under the tone arm, asYou can click on the ashtray and we will play the record back. It 's a pretty cool trick if you are working on it.

DJ Trick 2 - Add your drum to record

The second trick, you have to do is play a record on a bridge and set the tone arm at the beginning or end of record where no music is written. Then they record the
arrested, and then select the record with your finger. What happens is, the vibration of your
Touching the record as a solid foundation. Beat Just tap in bars with a record of other
grease the base and add a touch of percussion. Its hard to get it out before, but with
Practice, it is good that at last!

DJ Trick 3 - Use the same data sets to achieve two reverb or delay.

This trick is very popular and I have seen many DJs that work for a "T". What you need
to do this trick is to take two sets of the same songs and at all times with
others.We want to make sure that the songs down literally on the other
others. So ... Suppose we have the right, take the base from the records that you
are, stir and bring to the track as soon as this happens, slowly stir up a lot
tender and starting to feel like a Hall-effect! The effect of this delay is necessary
Repeat the process, but the record of slipping out of time and then disappears and a
Delay effect.

E 'have it. 3 cool DJ tricks for you to get cracking! You may not obtain in this
But first, practice makes perfect. Now, go get em DJ!

DJ Tricks - 3 Top DJ Tricks Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Friday, November 19, 2010 Rating: 4.5

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