Do's and Don'ts While DJing a Wedding

If you work in the mobile DJ business, there is a pretty good chance you will DJ a wedding. Actually, you will probably work at a ton of weddings and makes some great money doing it. But weddings are a different kind of gig, and they require a different set of rules for DJs. This article will cover a couple do's and a couple don'ts you should know about.

First, let's look at the don'ts. Never show up at a wedding without your playlist prepared. You should be playing songs that the bride and groom enjoy. If you don't know what music the like, ask them first. Showing up without this basic information is a death trap.

Don't let your clients walk all over you. At wedding, many people drink to excess and want to dance all night. If you aren't being paid to work the extra hours, you shouldn't be working. Talk with the bride and groom in advance about your fees for extra hours at the event. Decide on something fair, and stick to your guns!

Do ask the happy couple what you're responsibilities are for the event. If you are supposed to announce the bride and groom, announce the special dances, etc... you might want to know.

Finally, do thank the family for asking you to DJ the event. Be a gracious entertainer, and ask them for a testimonial or referrals. If you did a good job, they will be happy to tell their friends. Or you can get a short video clip of them praising your performance.

Remember that a wedding is a very special day that only happens once (supposedly). You are part of that special day, and it is your job to perform well. Be professional, and refer back to these tips if you need to.

Do's and Don'ts While DJing a Wedding Reviewed by DJblog Tips on Thursday, August 26, 2010 Rating: 4.5

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